Nuggets This Evening On Uplift Radio
Tasty morsels include:
* Three Of A Kind – DJs Eye & Starr along with Don Treader play music with a ‘Food’ theme. Even the chat will whet your appetite! Have you ever tried a ‘frankfurter sandwich’?
* 6pm Relax & Recollect with DJ Starr, who bringds you 1996 on a plate
* 7pm Both Sides Now – topical issues and usic from both sides of the pond. DoctorJ and Don Treader go over the week’s headlines.
* 8pm Lift Up YOur Heart. Great hymns and Christian songs interspersed with glorious Bible texts. No chat.
8.30pm Music & Meditation. This weekss informal service is based on the events in Acts 14. Worth a listen!
* 9pm – The Gospel Show with DJ Eye & Don Treader (Dee Jay M being ill). Issues for discussion include the famous Trump. Great music and the Spurgeon Spot are also highlights. DJ Eye discusses ‘Torch Trust For The Blind’.
* 10pm My Kind Of Music With Joe Bollard. Joe introduces you to some of the greats in music, many of whom have been his friends.
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