Is Uplift Radio Difficult To Get Used to?
Of course not, you’d expect me to say that. But for some, the technology can be daunting. Websites, Apps, Internet – they can put people off. But can I encourage you by telling you that we’re being heard in over 120 countries, by quite a few thousand listeners, and of course now happily in the Republic of Ireland by a whole new host of people too. We’re proud to be among you! We hope that in time you’ll take us to your hearts and listen regularly. Give us a call from the website, our App, or even your phone,and we’ll try to help you with any connection difficulties.
Who’s this Don Treader, I hear you say. It’s me! And I feature in quite a lot of Uplift’s programming. I hope that doesn’t put you off, but if you’re worried or are getting a ‘Don Treader Overload’ can I assure you that we’re looking for new Irish, and other nationalities, positive presenters who’ll keep the flag flying, and try to make the world feel better.
While I’m here can I interest you in some of the programmes I host? First of all, there’s ‘Feelings After Midnight’. It’s primarily a chance for me to speak personally to you as you’re putting your head on the pillow or trying to keep awake at work. Late night music and chat can sometimes help people get through the night when they don’t feel so good, or when they’re so happy they can’t sleep. Why not give it a listen if you happen to be awake with not a lot to do. It’s on every night.
Then there’s ‘The Uplift Show at 7am, repeated at 12 noon and 8pm. Usually there’s a variety of presenters, including myself, and we play hits of the past and present, with a good dash of country, novelty, standards and gospel to whet your appetite whatever time of day you’re listening. There’s also a small competition to try if you feel so inclined.
How many of you like Nostalgia? If you’re free and fancy a trip down Memory Lane with some of the greatest stars, please join me at the weekends – Saturdays at 7am and 12 noon, Sundays at 4pm – for a quick drool over the past before rejoining the real world.
I’m also involved in ‘Celtic Cross Country’ with Joe Bollard, our DJ from Bray, in which we play some great Scottish, Irish, Canadian music, with loads of Country and a little Gospel. You can even hear us sing in the programme, but please don’t let that put you off! Give your ears a treat on Saturdays at 4pm, Sunday’s at 2pm, Thursdays at 2pm & 10pm. If you support Celtic (or any other team) then this programme’s just for you.
Getting tired of reading yet. Hang on for just amoment more. On Sunday’s I’m happy to be involved in some of our Religious Broadcasting. The Go On Show has topical discussion and good music to encourage all of us. It’s at 7am & repeated at 9pm, also on Tuesdays at 9am & 7pmIt’s worth a listen if you need a lift!
‘Lift Up Your Hearts’ is a simple programme of beautiful hymns and sacred songs interspersed with encouraging texts. A number of presenters, including myself, take turns to host this on Sunday’s at 8am, 11am & 8pm. It’s also able to be heard on Thursdays at 9am & 7pm
Finally there’s our simple, informal, interdenominational, inter religion, service, each week coming from various locations. Inspiration’s the name of the game and most of our presenters can be heard on it. For those who can’t get to church or chapel, it’s a little dose of inspiration, and for those who can, it’s an extra boost. It’s thought provoking, but non-threatening, it’s encouraging and not heavy. It’s easy on the ears! Maybe you’ll find it fills a gap that other things can’t. It calls itself ‘The Best Half Hour On Radio’ – see if you think it is. (Sundays at 8.30am, 11.30am &8.30pm. Also aired on Thursdays at 9.30am & 7.30pm)
That’s it. You’ll probably be glad if you don’t hear fromDon Treader again! But if you’ve endured reading through all this, why not give him (me) a listen. I can assure you, the shows won’t be so boring.
Happy listening!
Available on www.upliftfm, and on our Uplift Radio mobile and tablet Apps.