Eyes Wide Open – It’s Uplift Radio!
Great programmes today on the Uplift.
For a bit of stimulation why not look at our spiritual offerings this evening?
8pm – Lift Up Your Hearts – Dee Jay M & Rachel invite you to listen to uplifting hymns and inspiring words.
8.30pm – UCF. Life can be a bit of a storm sometimes. Tonight we’re starting on Jonah and what it felt like to be running from god. Don Treader talks about how to find the way back.
9pm – Don Mark2 and Don Treader discuss the issues of the week, ranging from the Isis Caliphate in Northern Iraq and Syria to Christian Attitudes to Work and Unemployment. Of course there’s the usual great music, witty banter, and the Joni Erakson Tada Spot.
Give your heart a lift”
The Uplift Team